Service Hours:

As a member of Tri-City Band Corps, you can earn service hours by attending performances or volunteering at occasional events. Service hours will be automatically distributed three times per year (August, January, and May). The service hours of all TBC members are managed by the Chief Operations Officer (COO). Should you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you may reach out directly to the COO.

Important Notes:

  1. FUSD has a cap of 40 hours, but this is not what colleges are looking at in the admissions process. Students are encouraged to earn as many community service hours as they can, a good target is 300 hours by their senior year, or about 100 hours each in 9-11th grades
  2. ​​​​FUSD will only accept up to 5 hours of "preparation" time per event
  3. TBC has its own service hour form to verify students' hours and award them for their services above and beyond forty hours, inside or outside of TBC.

Our Awards:

Awards play a role in the admissions process, and we want to make sure that our members are recognized for their work serving their communities. We will also accept hours from other non-profit organizations, as long as they complete a verification form with us.

Annual Service Awards

Award for service hours earned within 1 season, defined as July 1st to June 30th each year. All awards are issued once per year on July 1st for the previous season. Gold Baton awards can be issued at any time once earned upon request from the student. Recipients will receive a signed certificate acknowledging their service.

Eligibility: Award winners must attend at least 1 TBC performance during the season in question. Additional hours can come from any other verified 501(c)3 non-profit organization (Use the TBC service hour form below to submit your non-TBC service hours).


  1. Gold Baton – 150+ hours
  2. Silver Baton – 100-149 hours
  3. Bronze Baton – 50-99 hours

Lifetime Service Awards

Award for cumulative service hours. Recipients will receive a signed certificate acknowledging their service and will be eligible to wear earned award(s) as a ribbon panel on their uniform.

Eligibility: Award winners must attend at least 1 TBC performance during the season in question to be eligible. Additional hours can come from any other verified 501(c)3 non-profit organization (use the service hour form below to submit non-TBC hours). Awards are stackable, so you can earn all of them as you level up.


  1. Bronze Wreath – 100-199 hours
  2. Silver Wreath – 200-299 hours
  3. Gold Wreath – 300-499 hours
  4. Platinum Crown – 500 hours

Outstanding Performance Awards

Award issued for outstanding performance and service to TBC. The award must be voted on by the Executive Team and cite a specific reason for issuance of the award. Recipients will receive signed certificates and will be eligible to wear the corresponding medal on their uniform (provided).


  1. Regimental Service Award (Top 5%) – General award for outstanding performance. This can be a member or officer going above and beyond to help out the group such as exceptional fundraising and recruiting.
  2. Brigade Service Award (Top 2%) – Service award for exceptional performance to TBC throughout multiple events, fundraisers, and performances, with perfect or near-perfect attendance... This can be a member of an officer going above and beyond to help out the group such as exceptional fundraising and recruiting.
  3. Division Service Award (Top 1%) – Service award issued for performance far above and beyond the call of duty.
  4. Corps Service Award (Top 0.1%) – Service award issued for performance far above and beyond the call of duty. This is the highest award that can be earned in TBC. This award is to be issued only as necessary to someone who has gone exceptionally far above and beyond to support TBC.

President’s Volunteer Service Award

Every year, members who have met volunteer requirements as outlined on the President’s Volunteer Service Award website may submit their information through TBC, which is a certifying organization, to receive the award. We typically send out information about the PVSA in mid-August every year.

There are many ways to earn hours through Tri-City Band Corps, such as volunteering at music and supply workdays and attending rehearsals and parades.

NOTE: If you submit hours once, those hours will be counted for all 3 awards. You will be notified via email if your forms are verified or if alterations need to be made.