Quarter Three
Greetings, TBC members! This issue of our quarter newsletter wraps up our third quarter, in which we would like to thank all of our wonderful members and parents for their continuing support and participation.
2018 Summer Parades
Join Tri-City Band Corps for our Summer Parades! This year, our Royal Regiment will be defending our 1st Place trophy against the World Class DCI Mandarins at the Rancho Cordova Fourth of July Parade (7/4), marching exciting tunes at the Salinas Colmo de Rodeo Parade, with a group bonding at Santa Cruz Boardwalk that same day's morning (7/14), and playing at California Great America's Performance in the Plaza, where you can hang out with us afterwards with a discount (7/29). Sign up for these performances here! This is a great opportunity to play fun music while earning service hours. You can hang out with friends and make new ones! Rehearsal info can be found on the sign up form. Registration deadline is May 1!

In addition, this summer, TBC will have summer clinics for percussion and guard on Saturday 5/16th, 5/ 23, 5/30, 6/7 6/21, and 6/28. Our instructors will be Bryce Beckel, Colin Apperson, Fou Saelee, Ben Wilkinson, Chris Cyr, and Matt Ring. For more information, please visit and register on our page here!
Officer Applications
Being a TBC officer has always meant being in a great environment for making new friends, bringing passion to music, and creating a stronger community. Join the TBC Officer team! Take part in the planning of our parade rehearsals, performances, and fundraisers. The success of our events is all thanks to the help and dedication of our amazing officers, and you can be a part of our Officer Corps next year! To apply, fill out the application form here and sign up for an interview here by April 15th. (Late applications will be accepted for any open positions) We look forward to seeing you joining us!
“I joined TBC in the middle of my sophomore year as an Irvington Recruitment Officer, and looking back, I never would have imagined how much TBC would have impacted my life. TBC has provided many opportunities for me to grow both as a leader and an individual allowing me to form meaningful connections with my peers and gain valuable leadership skills that were difficult to foster anywhere else.” -Executive Director of Cadet Regiment, Olivia Mendoza

2018 Cadet Program
This summer we will continue our TBC Cadet Regiment for Junior High students. This program will help students learn the fundamentals of marching so that they are highly prepared for marching band in high school. By offering this program to Jr. High students, we not only prepare them as individuals, but also help the high school program succeed in the fall band reviews. Our Cadet Regiment is open to all current (2017-2018 school year) 7th, and 8th grade students. 6th grade students in Advanced Elementary Band may join automatically, and others will be allowed to join with director approval. Students enrolling in Color Guard are exempt from the approval requirement. Registration and Cadet Program information can be found here!

Pasta Feed Fundraiser
Our biannual Pasta Feed was a huge success once again! Our attendees loved the delicious varieties of entrees and desserts, from the creamy alfredo and delectable pasta sauce to the cookies and pies. The fruit and milk tea was a big favorite at the feed as well. Overall, it was a great event for us to have, and we thank you for joining us and hope you can come out to our next feed in the future!

SoCal College Trip Tour
This quarter, TBC went on a trip to Southern California to visit colleges such as UCLA, USC, UCI, UCSD, Cal Poly, and UCSB. While on our trip, we had tons of fun playing on the beach, enjoying the best food down there, and visiting many TBC alumni at their respective colleges. Come out next year to join us on this tour!

TBC 2018-19 T-shirt contest
We are currently hosting the T-shirt Design Contest for the 2018-2019 shirt! The contest requirement will be as follows:
- Must be done through high resolution through photoshop and be print ready
- Can be sent as pdf file
- Must be no larger than 14 inches wide and 17 inches tall for both side and back
- Must include a shirt color of royal blue
- Must feature only 1 color for the front and 1 color on the back (excluding shirt color, which should be royal blue)
- Preferred white color
- Must include "Tri-City Band Corps" as logo title
- Title and design should be clearly visible and legible
- Must be submitted to tbc@tricitybandcorps.org
Due Date: April 22nd 11:59 PM
Enter your design for a chance to win a free t-shirt or sweatshirt of your choice!
Please email tbc@tricitybandcorps.org if you have any questions, we look forward to seeing all of your submissions!