Quarter Four
Greetings, TBC members and parents! This issue of our newsletter introduces our upcoming events and wraps up this past quarter. As the fourth and final quarter of our 2018-19 year comes to a close, we'd like to thank all of our wonderful members and parents for their tremendous support and participation towards our organization.
TBC Summer Barbeque
Join us for our second annual End-Of-Summer BBQ! It will be at First United Methodist on July 31, 2019 at 5 pm. Don't forget to come and support the Tri-City Elementary Band who will be performing at 7 pm. We will also be hosting our award ceremony for our Cadets program and elementary program. We will have an all-you-can-eat Veggie Burgers, Hot Dogs, Burgers, Watermelon, and more. Tickets will be $15 and can be purchased online here. Hope to see you there!

Summer Parades
Congratulations to our Royal Regiment for receiving First place at their first performance at the Redwood City July 4th parade! It was a blast watching them play and march through Downtown Redwood City. Additionally, the cadets also performed extremely well, coming in second place, capturing the hearts of many audience members.
Our Royal Regiment also performed at the Salinas Colmo del Rodeo parade on Saturday, July 13th. The regiment magnificently marched down Main Street in downtown Salinas, giving spectators an unforgettable performance!

Cadet Program
Our bi-annual Cadet Regiment program is well underway for the summer season! This program is designed for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders who would like to learn how to march in a marching band. The cadets most recently performed at the Redwood City July 4th parade alongside our Royal Regiment.
The Cadet Regiment also performed with the Royal Regiment at the Salias Colmo del Rodeo parade on July 13th. The regiment’s performance wow-ed the entire crowd with an amazing night time performance.

TBC Beginning Band
TBC’s first beginning Summer Beginning Band has kicked off. Participants are having a blast learning how to play a band instrument. Working with the head instructor Ms. Amberle Mitchell from Washington High School and Centerville Junior High School, Ben Wilkinson, and student volunteers, participants are diligently working to learn their instruments in preparation for their end-of-program concert.

TBC London Trip
This year, TBC is proud to announce our 3rd international trip, and our second trip to London from Thursday December 26, 2019 to Sunday January 5, 2020.
We will be participating in the 2020 London New Year's Day Parade, where there will be over 600,000 spectators, and broadcast to over 300 million viewers. In addition to London, we will also be visiting Bruges, Belgium and Paris, France.

Our 2018-19 Officer Team

This newsletter marks the end of our 2018-2019 officer term. To our past officers: Through all of your efforts, we have been able to work towards our goal of sharing our love of music one step at a time! Please continue to support us as we transition to a new officer team. We would like to wish all graduating seniors the best of luck in college and beyond. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication towards TBC! We wouldn’t be the same without you all. With that said, please welcome this upcoming term’s Officer team! We look forward to all the things that we will accomplish this coming year together!
View a list of next year's officers here!
Alvin Tsui
2018-2019 TBC Chief Internal Affairs Officer
2019-20 Chief Operations Officer