Quarter Four
Greetings, TBC Members! This issue of our newsletter wraps up the fourth quarter and introduces our upcoming events. We would like to thank all of our wonderful members and parents for their participation and tremendous support towards our organization.
Elementary Band Program

We are very excited to be continuing our program into the summer and warmly thank all of you for supporting us as we continue bringing music to the community. Our program currently consists of over 400 students from over 125 different school districts, and we cannot wait to see the amazing progress our students will make! We would like to thank all of our members and volunteers for helping in the effort to continue music education during this time. Please be on the lookout for when we release registration for our school year program on July 15th, which like our previous school year program will be completely online. We plan to return live once safety guidelines have been updated to accommodate our program. Since many after-school programs have been canceled, we want to provide this opportunity for as many students as possible, so feel free to share our program with friends! For more information on our elementary band program, please visit our website here.
Eternal Regiment

Eternal regiment, like the summer band program, has also continued into the summer, and we are very proud of the amazing progress our students are making. Our summer guard program has a very pleasing number of sign-ups and we are so happy that we can bring this opportunity to students. We hope to continue offering this program to more students, so please also be on the lookout for when we release registration for our school-year program. For more information on our color guard program, please visit our website here.
Congratulations Graduating Class of 2021!

Congratulations to all of our officers that graduated this year! TBC’s success is attributed solely to its officer team and volunteers, and we would not be anywhere close to where we are now without you! Good luck, and we can’t wait to see all the amazing things you will do in the future!
Welcome 2021-2022 Officer Team!
Every year, TBC says goodbye to many amazing officers as they leave to fulfill the next chapter of their lives; but every year, we also receive a new batch of incredible students who will help improve our organization. Thank you to everyone who interviewed for a position with TBC, and we look forward to working with you!
With that being said, we do have several open positions. Take part in the planning of our parade rehearsals, performances, and fundraisers. Becoming an officer is an extremely valuable experience that will provide an opportunity to develop leadership and management skills in a professional environment. There is a huge range of officer positions, so there is always something for everyone to apply for. To apply, please fill out the application here and sign up for an interview.
TBC Eco-Friendly Virtual Balloon Race

Thank you to everyone who participated in TBC’s first EcoFriendly Virtual Balloon Race! Congratulations to our winners:
1. Rochelle Li
2. Aaroh Dixit
3. Po Kin Ho
4. Kuokuei Hsieh
5. Tanmay Panguluri
Concert Videos

If you haven’t had a chance yet, check out our recently updated elementary band page where we have uploaded all our elementary band videos! Additionally we have also added many testimonials and updated our officer job descriptions.
As many of you know, Tri-City Band Corps is a 501(c)(3) student-run nonprofit organization, and we run our program through the donations of our generous supporters. Because of your support, we are able to continue running this program and keep music alive during these difficult times. While our program uses over 150 volunteers, it still costs over $20,000 for us to run this summer program from Smart Music accounts, sheet music, Zoom licensing, instructors, and other operational expenses. We understand that not every family can afford to contribute, but for those who can, please consider making the suggested $150.00 tax-deductible donation to help keep our program alive. If you are unable to donate this amount, we would appreciate any donation that you can provide. You can make a donation through our website here. Additionally, many employers offer matching donations, please consider submitting your donation to be matched. Thank you for your support!
Suhas Palawala
2020-2021 TBC Chief Operations Officer