Quarter One Newsletter
Greetings, Tri-City Band Corps members! This issue of our quarterly newsletter wraps up our first quarter, in which we would like to thank all of our wonderful members and parents for their continuing support and participation.

Fall Royal Regiment Parades
Signups are now open! We will be participating in the Niles Festival of Lights Parade (11/25) and the Hollister Lights On Celebration (11/26). Our Royal Regiment will be playing “We Need a Little Christmas” and “All I Want for Christmas”. Interested in joining us? Sign up here: bitly.com/TBCfall2016. We hope to see you there!

Vanguard Regiment
Introducing our newest program, Tri-City Band Corps’ Vanguard Regiment. Performing under the name “Tri-City Percussion”, this is an Indoor Percussion Unit that will compete in the WGI circuit beginning in the 2017 season! The group will be led by Executive Director Chris Cyr. The instruction staff includes members from many WGI and DCI groups such as The Blue Devils, The Santa Clara Vanguard, Bluecoats, Blue Knights, The Cadets, The Mandarins, The Freelancers, RCC, Pulse, Team Percussion USA, and many more. For more information and to join, please visit http://www.tri-citypercussion.org/.

Cadet Regiment
This year, after the success of our summer Cadet program, we have decided to continue it into the fall. Our Cadet Regiment will be joining the Royal Regiment in the Niles Festival of Lights Parade, but will for the first time perform on its own in Redwood City for the Redwood City Holiday Hometown Parade. The Cadet Regiment will be performing “Sleigh Ride” and “Holiday Parade Sequence”.

Cadet Winter Guard Unit
The fun never stops! We started in the summer, we continued in the fall, and now we look toward the winter. Tri-City Band Corps is all about providing opportunities for students, supporting our local music programs, and sharing our love for music. This year we are launching a Winter Guard program for all interested junior high students. Color guard is a great way for choir and orchestra students to gain extra school credits. One will be able to fulfill the performing arts requirements without taking up a class period. This leaves that extra period for classes such as foreign languages or other electives. We hope this program will introduce students to how fun guard can be and help develop the talent of incoming freshmen students. Registration closes on Saturday 10/22.

Amazon Smile
TBC is part of the Amazon Smile program. Simply go to smile.amazon.com, choose TBC as the charity of your choice, and we’ll get a small donation from Amazon each time you make a purchase through the Amazon smile website. The best part is, this comes at no extra cost to you!

Newark Days Parade
TBC kicked of the fall season with an exceptional performance at the Newark Days Parade with members composed of mostly Irvington students along with a few students from the San Jose area. TBC placed 1st out of 4 for Class B Band,, Drum Major Kristen Wu placed 1st for Drum Major Mace, and we also placed 3rd for ID Unit.

Fine Arts and Eats Card
Buy a Fine Arts and Eats card at our TBC store! http://tricitybandcorps.org/store/. Support TBC and other local shops while saving money at your favorite coffee shops, restaurants, and more! Simply present your purchased card at participating stores and receive discounts. Hurry! Cards expire at the end of the year.
Indoor Rehearsal
TBC has recently hosted its first indoor rehearsal of the season welcoming a lot of new members. At the rehearsal we tried new potential parade pieces, and members got to vote for the pieces they wanted to perform. We definitely had a blast so join us in the fun next time on November 6th. See you there!

Quarter 1 TBC Bonding Activity
Whew! What a climb. Tri-City Band Corps is not all about music. We strive to form a close community and one of the ways we can do that is through bonding events. This quarter, TBC officers and members trekked up Mission Peak. Obstacles were climbed, snacks were shared, and new friendships were formed. Join in on the fun at our Quarter 2 bonding event; more details will be provided in the near future.