Our Programs
- Royal Regiment
- Cadet Regiment
- Elementary Band (Hastati Regiment)
- Highland Regiment
- Imperialis (INA Winter Guard)
- Immortalis / EXTERNAL
- Tri-City Percussion (PIO Winter Percussion)
- Winter Drum Major
- Special Needs Percussion Regiment
- International Performance Tours
- Winter Winds
Prathusha Jayaprakash
2019-2020 Finance Department Head
School: Mission San Jose High School
I first heard of TBC through a lot of my friends who were already part of the organization. They encouraged me to sign up for the Salinas Como del Rodeo Parade in the Royal Regiment in the summer before my sophomore year. The parade itself was fun and exciting, but what really opened my eyes to TBC was the work behind the scenes. I saw student officers run rehearsals, manage all the equipment, keep track of member forms, and organize the traditional pizza fundraiser. The amount of time and effort the officers were putting in amazed me as they accomplished their goal of running the Royal Regiment. I signed for more parades during the year and attended more of TBC’s fundraisers. The following summer, I finally decided to apply for an officer position to try to get more experience and see what opportunities it would lead too. I started off as as the Chief Marketing Officer with tasks such as creating flyers, banners, taking pictures and managing our social media accounts. Through this position I started learning skills like better managing my time, clearer communication with my peers, as well as being able to express myself creatively in my work. During the start of my junior year, I was promoted to Chief Finance Officer which was definitely an exciting opportunity but also a challenge. I was able to see my personal growth and attain real life work experience since my year in the position. As a usually introverted person, I was able to improve on my presentation and communication skills working with a large number of different students and adult professionals alike. As a TBC officer, you are able to take advantage of the opportunities that most high schoolers wouldn’t be able to, especially since the organization is student-run. I joined TBC initially wanting to hang out with my friends and play more music, but I’m grateful it turned into so much more. The experiences that I was able to share with TBC have truly shaped me into who I am today. I’ve made lasting friendships with peers I wouldn’t have been able to otherwise. I have pursued interests and hobbies that TBC would only have offered. TBC has taught me values, leadership, and expertise that I am grateful for and will carry on with me into the future.