Lila Ehling

2022-2023 Eternal Regiment Director
School: Irvington High Schooll

Joining Tri-City Band Corps has been an eye-opening experience as an officer. I started my journey with TBC when I first joined an online color guard class they had been hosting over quarantine 3 years ago. This experience opened up a world of dance and rhythm that would later become a big part of my life. I started off by being a color guard rifle junior officer, but worked my way up to becoming the Tri-City Winter Guard Director. This experience has taught me some of the most important skills that are needed in the outside world after high school. Depending on the department that a person joins, the skills learned can be different. For example, finance officers learn many things about working with money while marketing officers learn about the best advertising tactics. Personally with my officer position, I have learned many things about planning events and programs. It can be rough at times, but one of the many things that is good about TBC is that they strongly persuade all officers to rely on others. There are many group chats between each department that is a safe space for officers to reach out whenever they need help. Joining TBC as an officer gives experience in many spectrums that will definitely help with future workplaces. Although there are many different departments that handle separate parts of TBC, leadership and cooperation is something that all officers in TBC will improve on. Officers including me learn to plan and work at a time-efficient pace. I can confidently say that TBC also has many programs that are fun and can be a big part of a person’s life. TBC events also bring together officers which allows socialization and can also create friendships. I have now joined the color guard at my high school and have met some of my closest friends and made some extremely important memories. All of what I have now correlated to color guard from experience to friendships have started from joining TBC. For that, I am extremely grateful and will always appreciate the opportunities that I get working with Tri-City Band Corps.